Tuesday 17 April 2007

The European New York

It was only towards the end of the second day that I was beginning to get to grips with the scale of this place. Imagine Kelso with its strategic location and population of skilled workers. Imagine it blown up so that the new Kelso bridge is multiplied on a huge scale and is teaming with the flow traffic creating powerful and dynamic gusts of wind. Imagine the Tweed along Mayfield blown up so that it oncludes lush forests, grazing land and silted beaches. Imagine the buildings in the center blown out of porpostion to the sky with dayyling monuments to the trade that it is witnessing and subarbs spilling out over and area as big as the fertile lands of Scotland boasting excelent services and buildings streatching back hundreds of years. This is a land so plentiful that it is little wonder that one of the conglomertation of metropolises is called Essen - Food.

1 comment:

Neil said...

Like the analogies with Kelso and the Tweed bridge... sounds gigantic..